October 15, October 16 2020. WEBINAR hosted by Jannick Duchet-Rumeau and Margarida Costa Gomes
2020 GDR LIPS Scientific Meeting
Thursday October 15th 2020
13H50-14H00 : Opening Welcome by Margarida Costa Gomes
SESSION 1 Ionic Liquids for Materials Design
Chairman : Agilio PADUA
14H00-14h30: Baris DEMIR –University of Queensland, Brisbane – Molecular Level Prediction of structure/property relationships in functionalised carbon fibre epoxy composites
14H30-15H00 :Alexei Radchenko – University of Lyon IMP – Design of novel ionic liquid epoxy monomers for 3D printing
15H00-15h30 : Yevhenii PRYKHODKO – University of Normandie PBS (Rouen) – Improved performance of polymer membrane for CO2 capture by using amine containing ionic
SESSION 2 – Ionic Liquids for processing
Chairman : Sebastien LIVI
15H45-16H15 : Laurent CHAUNIER – INRAE (Nantes) – Thermoplasticization of Zein by [Lidocainium][Ibuprofenate] as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient-Ionic Liquid
16H15-16H45 : Frederica FEUZING – Université de Nantes GEPEA & ICMR – Paramylon : Processing routes for materials applications
16H45-17H15 : Tatiana BUDTOVA – CEMEF (Sophia Antipolis) – Ductile Cellulose Nanopaper combining high toughness and strength via pre-treatment with ionic liquid
17H00 : Conclusion
Friday October 16th 2020
8H50-9H00 : Opening Welcome by Jannick Duchet Rumeau
SESSION 3 – Specific Task Ionic Liquids
Chairwoman: Sandrine BOUQUILLON
9H00-9H30 : Lydie VIAU Institut UTINAM Besançon – Projet GDR LIPS (avec ICMR L. DUPONT) – Neat and confined Task Specific Ionic Liquids for selective Co(II) over Ni(II) extraction
9H30-10H00 : Anass BENAYAD University of Grenoble Alpes-CEA LITEN – Operando XPS a novel approach for probing the surface reactivity lithium/ionic liquid based electrolyte as a case study
10H00-10H30 : Guillaume SIMON – ENS (Lyon) – Solubilisation of textile additives in ionic liquids – A computational and experimental study
SESSION 4 – Ionic Liquids for energy
Chairman : Jean LE BIDEAU
10H45-11H15 : Véronique DUFAUD – Université Lyon C2P2 – Projet GDR LIPS (avec M. COSTA-GOMES ENS Lyon) – Catalytic Conversion of CO2 in Porous Ionic Liquids
11H15-11H45 : Peter Hesemann – ICGM (Montpellier) – Projet GDR LIPS (avec G.Vo Thanh Orsay) – Dialkyl imidazolium acetate ionosilica as efficient and recyclable organocatalyst for cyanosilylation reactions of ketones
11H45-12H15: Ya KOBZAR – Normandie Univ PBS (Rouen) – New ionic liquid based polyoxadiazole electrolyte for hydrogen high- temperature fuel cells
12H15 : Conclusion
Breakthrough IDEXLyon – Projet 4D IOLIMAT
Parler de 4D quand on évoque une impression 3D n’est pas, contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, un abus de langage. Mais il s’agit d’un concept ayant émergé au début des années 2010 aux Etats-Unis qui suscite beaucoup d’espoir pour ldonner de l’intelligence aux objets fabriqués par impression 3D. Il faut comprendre par impression 4D, la possibilité d’imprimer un objet qui, au bout d’un temps prédéfini, pourrait changer de forme par effet d’un stimulus externe comme la lumière, la température, un courant électrique, etc. Le projet Breakthrough 4D IOLIMAT* financé par l’IDEX de Lyon propose une approche scientifique originale et innovante pour concevoir de nouvelles résines époxy qui pourraient être compatibles avec l’impression 4D.
POURQUOI? Pour développer des réseaux thermodurcissables multifonctionnels pour de nombreuses applications potentielles. On peut imaginer ces réseaux polyépoxydes utilisables comme matrice dans un composite capable de retrouver sa forme originelle après déformation, prenant une forme donnée ou stockant de l’énergie mais aussi en tant que nouvel électrolyte tout solide dans les dispositifs électrochimiques de forme complexe pour le domaine de la santé pour des applications biomédicales.
COMMENT? La synthèse de ces nouveaux monomères époxy met en œuvre une chimie respectueuse de l’environnement, véritable alternative aux voies conventionnelles qui manipulent des composés toxiques comme le bisphénol A et l’épichlorhydrine. Grâce à un projet Emergence CNRS1, un premier monomère époxydé à squelette imidazolium a été synthétisé avec succès par l’IMP à l’échelle de la centaine de grammes par simple oxydation d’un alcène à température ambiante avec formation d’acétone uniquement comme sous-produit. Des fonctions époxyde cycloaliphatiques sont également introduites car celles-ci permettent une photopolymérisation et une impression 3D par stéréolithographie afin de mettre en forme des réseaux polymère totalement novateurs. L’architecture et les propriétés fonctionnelles, comme une aptitude à la mémoire de forme de ces réseaux sont aussi ajustées par l’introduction de liaisons dynamiques. Cette chimie alliée à la parfaite connaissance des procédés de mise en forme des réseaux thermodurcissablesconstituent désormais une véritable plate-forme de connaissances pour l’impression 4D qui ouvre sur le design de matériaux et objets intelligents.
QUI ? Les résultats novateurs obtenus et le projet multidisciplinaire IDEX Breakthrough qui allie la combinaison des savoirs-faire des unités CNRS IMP et Lab.Chimie de l’ENS Lyon pour décrire l’ensemble de la recherche intégrée depuis la synthèse des monomères en passant par la modélisation des interactions polymères-liquides ioniques jusqu’à l’analyse de la structuration multi-échelles et la caractérisation des réseaux. La percée apportée par 4D IOLIMAT permettra et permet déjà d’avoir à Lyon un pôle de recherche incontournable et unique associant polymères et liquides ioniques (avec également le pilotage du GDR CNRS LIPS) qui pourrait proposer des matériaux polymère innovants pour l’impression 4D.
1 Livi, S.; Chardin, C.; Lins, L.; Halawani, N.; Pruvost, S.; Duchet-Rumeau, J.; Gerard, J.F.; Baudoux, J. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2019).
Contact: J. Duchet, S. Livi, J.F. Gérard, M. Costa Gomes, A. Pádua
5. International Conference on Ionic Liquid-based Materials – Jussieu, Paris, 4-8 November 2019
Le GDR LIPS participe dans la 5ème édition de la conférence ILMAT à Paris en Novembre prochain. N’oubliez pas de vous inscrire! http://ilmat5.org/
5. International Conference on Ionic Liquid-based Materials – Jussieu, Paris, 4-8 November 2019
The GDR LIPS will participate in the 5th ILMAT Conference in Paris next November. Do not forget to register!
Please check the web site of the conference: http://ilmat5.org/
Scientific Meeting GDR LIPS – 15th and 16th October, ENS Lyon
The GDR LIPS organizes the next Scientific Meeting in Lyon at the Ecole Normale Supérieure on the 15th and 16th October 2018.
Please contact Margarida Costa Gomes or Jannick Duchet-Rumeau if you are interested in attending!
GDR LIPS Scientific Meeting
15 & 16th October 2018
Room CONDORCET, Ecole Normale Supérieure
Site MONOD, 1 Place Ecole, LYON 7
13H30-14H00 : Opening Welcome & Coffee
14H00-14h35: Invited talk Maria FORSYTH – Deakin University, Melbourne (Australia) Ion structure and dynamics in highly concentrated ionic liquid- alkali metal salt electrolytes; enabling metal anodes for high energy density batteries
Ionic Liquids for Materials Design
14H35-15H10 : Invited talk Andreas TAUBER – University of Postdam (Germany)
15H10-15h30 : Peter HESEMANN – ICGM (Montpellier) Ionosilicas as tailor-made anion exchange materials
15H30-15H50 : Houssem CHABANE – IMP (Lyon) Synthesis, Characterization, and Grafting of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids Based on Heptaisobutyl-POSS for Designing Novel Nanostructured Epoxy Networks
15H50-16H10 : Jean LE BIDEAU – IMN (Nantes) Photo-Polymerized Organic Host Network of Ionogels for Lithium Batteries : Effects of Mesh Size and of Ethylene Oxide Content
16H10-16H30 : Coffee Break & Posters
16h30-16h50 : Lydie VIAU – Utinam (Besançon) Pharmaceutically active ionic liquid: a three in one component for the elaboration of controlled drug delivery system
16H50-17h10 : Christian CARROT – IMP (Lyon) Analysis of sol-gel transition and phase diagram of hydrogels based on Ionic liquids polymers by rheological analysis.
17H10-17H30 : Tatiana BUDTOVA – CEMEF (Sophia Antipolis) Rheology of cellulose/1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-enium propionate solutions and shaping into aerogel beads
17H30-17H50 : Manuel MARECHAL – Projet GDR LIPS (SyMMES et IMP) Ionic liquid based electrolytes with controlled multiscale organisations
17H50-18H10 : Eric LEROY – GEPEA (Nantes) Electroactive polymer materials based on ionic liquid plasticized starch
Specific Task Ionic Liquids
9H00-9H35 : Invited talk Małgorzata (Gosia) SWADŹBA-KWAŚNY, Head of the QUILL Research Center Belfast (UK) Lewis acidic ionic liquids and their role as catalysts in carbocationic reactions
9H35-9H55 : Keynote from LIPS International Member Marian PALUCH – Univ Silesia, Katowice (Poland) Effect of temperature and pressure on ionic charge transport in supercooled ionic liquids
9H55-10H15 : Charline CHARDIN – Projet GDR LIPS (LCMT et IMP) Novel Syntheses of ionic monomers for the elaboration of a new generation of polymer electrolytes
1oH15-10H35: Jeremy DEPOORTER – IMP (Lyon) Design of Poly(ionic liquid) nanoparticles through RAFT-mediated Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly
10H35-11H00 : Coffee Break & Posters
Ionic Liquids and bio-based polymers
11H00-11H20: Keynote from LIPS International Member Fengwei XIE – University of Warwick (UK) Ionic liquid-assisted facile processing of starch-based electrically conductive films
11H20-11H40 : Laurent CHAUNIER – GEPEA (Nantes) Melt processed zein plasticized by pharmaceutically active ionic liquid for drug delivery
11H40-12H00 : Jean-Pierre MBAKIDI – Projet GDR LIPS (ICMR, CEMEF et IMP) Compatibilization of Natural Fibers by Ionic Liquids
12H00-12H20 : Emma DELAMARCHE – IMP (Lyon) Biodegradaton of PBS with Ionic Liquids
Departure Buffet
CNRS School on Ionic Liquids and Polymers
29th June – 1st July 2016, Lyon, France
The CNRS school Ionic Liquids and Polymers is proposed by the CNRS Research Group (GDR 3585) created in January 2013 and led by J. Duchet-Rumeau from the Polymers Materials Engineering Laboratory in Lyon and M. Costa Gomes of the Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand. This group brings together a large and active community of polymer scientists and specialists of ionic liquids with the aim of creating an interdisciplinary community capable of addressing different projects involving polymers and ionic liquids.
The number of scientific papers and patents concerning ionic liquids in association with polymers is increasing, demonstrating a growing interest on this field, both from the academic and from the industrial community. More often than not, a deep understanding of the molecular interactions and structure of the mixtures is essential for the development of new applications. The members of the CNRS Research Group Ionic Liquids and Polymers have remarked the lack of fundamental courses on ionic liquids on the syllabus of the chemistry diplomas in France. This situation is in contrast with other European countries, where ionic liquid are taught at the Master or doctoral level.
This CNRS school, held in France and opened to an international audience, intents to provide a fundamental basis to graduate students, technicians and young researchers on ionic liquids and their interactions with polymers. Several courses will be delivered by international experts in the fields of ionic liquids and of polymer science and will cover the synthesis and properties of ionic liquids, including prediction tools and environmental impact; the dissolution of polymers in ionic liquids; and the incorporation of ionic liquids in new polymer-based materials with controlled properties. The young scientists that participate at the CNRS school will be invited to discuss their scientific projects with the experts present around a poster session.
Full price |
No accommodation |
Suppl. |
Student/Post-doc |
300 € |
240 € |
50 € |
Academic participants |
500 € |
400 € |
Industrial/private sector participants |
700 € |
600 € |
CNRS members |
Free |
Full price includes:
- 3 nights in student-type accommodation with breakfast (default is a double room for students)
- Lunch and coffee breaks during the Summer School
- Cheese and wine party on the 29th June
- Dinner party on the 30th June
- Teaching materials in electronic support.
Download the program.
Download the registration form or register online.